Praise to ALLAH Almighty and Only to Him we worship..
Since the palestin was massacred on 26 December last year till today(oh ALLAH,bless our brothers n sisters in Palestin),only one entry written about my life..ant it's only comprises a few lines...i've a very difficult day previously..Difficult in making decision and difficult in adjusting myself to unpleasant nuisance that i've been suffered each day..Jazakumulah khair for akhi and kak fatin for planning something benficial for my future health care in Manipal..
Regarding issue in Palestin,it's a wrecking heart ache to watch day by day the civils people of Palestin(especially childrens n women) were 'assassinate' by rapacious Israel LAKNATULLAH..
Their futility in targetting civil people show their weakness in this war.Israel,do note this-You won't conquest THE LAND OF OURS by killing thousand innocent people or even more than that.

I understand that we hardly can feel the texture,sensation,aura and 'worse touch' of being terror and killed but lets just think that thousand of people around you were killed in the most tremendous evil way and there were no exception of target..any people who against our enemy will be killed regardless their gender,age and weakness.To be more tragic,the armament used were the most competent weapons in the world..
For example,i imagine that those thousand people killed were all Malaysian student in Manipal..and to make it more dramatic,most of them were killed in the lecture hall and at home.So what do you feel??and what more if it happened in our own country and part of being killed are our family??
What next?are you going to seat calmly and restlessly...or do you still have appetite to eat delicious food?do you?
Or you just want to seat in front of your laptop and waiting for any voting website so that you can vote for your country to win the war???Don't be that silly!You won't help anything by voting or whatever you spread in the internet which 95% of it were only forwarded message which you yourself doesn't know and never have a feel to know when was the first message started..and do you ever care to know wether the message you passed on were reliable before you click 'send'??do you??? something reliable!!..boycott at least!..and be careful with forwarded links and messages you pass to others!
am not angry..but full of dissapoinment..*malas nak layan mode* i would like to share with you my vacation to Jog Falls on 27 Disember last year....
I've promise a few friends to upload some pictures of ours..(i went there with Huda,Fareshah,Izzah,Ziilal,Iryani,Cik Langau,Wani,Fatin and Mimi)..
It was a very memorable trip..we went through ups and downs together..(like what we did during vacation to Belgaum n Bangalore)
We depart from Manipal early in the morning and arrive there in the afternoon as the journey take more than 4 hours to reach Jog Falls yang setinggi 253 meters (829 ft)...
here are some pics that we snap..(dh malas nk berbahasa use my rojak manglish je la ek)
next..gambar2 bila kami dah sampai kt bawah..tak sempat nak ambil gambar kecuraman dan thrill batu2 yang terpaksa kami lalui...situsi sgt cemas(over plak) sempat snap jadi org last ni kena selalu alert..

on our way mendaki kembali,tak sempat snap gambar sbb terlalu enjoy mendaki bersama huda!!thanks to all...bak kata huda.."bila la lagi nk travel sama2?njoy!".
inilah ukhuwah..rindu bila jauh mahupun dekat..moga kita kekal dlm ikatan ini..saling paut memaut antara satu sama lain dalam suka duka..susah senang...dan moga dlm amal makruf nahi mungkar,kita turut bersama!..
..people dont care how much we know untill they know how much we care..
2 pesanan:
Glad to see that you are having a good enjoyable day for a look good in the photos.
salam naufa...beshnyerr....x ajak dah
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