devote to sari...actually mase dpt ilham ni tgh revise action of glucagon n insulin..feel sleepy..lumrah saya yg cepat mengantuk bila membaca..otak kata.."cik oiii...saye kebosanan.."..
disebabkan otak memberontak,i force myself to think..think about surrounding,think about the pass n how i can relate those in my life as a muslim..
hidup di perantauan,negara serba gelap..=)...i notice about how the locals here devote themselve to sari n punjabi suit..(i'm talking about woman)..anywhere,anytime,any circumstances and any part of manipal,udupi,bangalore,belgaum...etc...most of them wear either punjabi suit or sari regardless what type of working style they applied in life..amazing..even they(women..regardless children or adults) work as what we called 'buruh kasar'..they did what we expect only man should do..but the best part,they work in saree..lets imagine in our country where woman like them work like that in baju kurung??!..but that is not the issue..the issue is why cant we as a muslim woman with perfect guide, devote to attire that ALLAH ask us to wear..proper covering aurah..subhanallah..we should present ourselves of noteworthy of the proper aurah covering attire,the best attire ever..
picture above show they were cutting grass,on the left(above) 'buruh kasar' and
(below) show they were having fun at malpe beach..still,they wear their saree..huhu..
Islam is the best..we aknowledge this statement and we agree with rasulullah
-->Islam yu'la wa la yu'la alaik..
-->Islam yu'la wa la yu'la alaik..
but why still we ignore?
everywhere we go..people want to know..who we are..we are muslimah..(mcm penah dgr ek this cheer..)
then how we let them know?with short skirt,tight jeans?(seluar jin..tu la pasal)..sleeveless shirt?
blouse fit to body figure?fancy scarf?tudung jarang?what elese?(i dont know all this stuff..cant mention much)so how?how?how?
yg mana sejuk mata memandang?yg bertutup sopan or yang "panas' dek mata memandang(panas juga di akhirat nnti..)
jauh dlm hati,terfikir..sekiranya ALLAH berikan mereka kefahaman agama,agknya mereka lebih baik dr kita semu..wallahua'lam..ALLAH maha mengetahui..
wahai muslimah yg dikasihi ALLAh dan Rasul..tidak ALLAH syariatkan ke atas semua ini andai hanya utk menjatuhkan maruah kita dan tidk pula utk menyiksa..begitu besar kasih sayang ALLAH pd kita..dijadikanNy panduan buat kita agar maruah terpelihara..akhlaq juga terlitup rapi dihiasi sopan dan husna dek menjaga batasan aurah..Ya ALLAH permudahkanlah kami,kurniakan kami kefahaman,dan ringankanlah anggota badan kami melaksanakan syariatMU..lets think dearest friends..
صحيح البخارى ومسلم
“Sesiapa yang Allah mahukan kebaikan baginya, Allah memberinya kefahaman dalam ad-Din.”
...kembalikan 'BRAND' muslimah idaman...
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